
What Is Adenomyosis?

Similar to endometriosis, adenomyosis uteri, or just adenomyosis, is the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue in the muscle layer of the uterus without a direct connection to the endometrium. It is, essentially, endometriosis of the uterus. Pain associated with adenomyosis can be debilitating and persistent, even after surgical removal of endometrial tissue.

What Are The Causes Of Adenomyosis?

At present, it isn’t known what causes adenomyosis. There are a few theories, with the most prominent being that the endometrial cells are somehow able to move and invade the normal uterine wall. Another theory is that the existing cells in the uterine wall change and develop into endometrial cells.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis develops from aberrant glands of the endometrium and causes pain before, during and after menses. In addition, women may suffer from heavier menses (menorrhagia), discomfort after orgasm, and vigorous exercise. Some women experience intense pelvic cramping and pressure that radiates to the lower back, groin, rectum, and anterior thighs. Symptomatic adenomyosis usually is manifested in women aged 35 to 50 years, although adenomyosis can be found in asymptomatic women. Women may experience symptomatic adenomyosis because of family history and genes.

There appear to be wide variations in the incidence of adenomyosis between racial and ethnic groups and different geographic regions. It is not clear whether this is due to patient factors or differences in diagnosis. As the ectopic endometrial tissue proliferates, the uterus takes on an enlarged, globular shape, which can sometimes be appreciated on examination typically in conjunction with marked tenderness.

Adenomyosis symptoms include:

  • prolonged menstrual cramps
  • spotting between periods
  • heavy menstrual bleeding
  • blood clots during menstrual bleeding
  • pain during intercourse
  • tenderness in the centralized abdominopelvic area

What Are The Risk Factors Of Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis appears to be more common in women who have had children, then those who have not. This relationship may be biased, given that adenomyosis is typically diagnosed at the time of hysterectomy. Prior uterine surgery, such as a cesarean section or fibroid removal (myomectomy) may also be a risk factor for developing adenomyosis.

How Is Adenomyosis Diagnosed?

Adenomyosis is a histological diagnosis, meaning that the uterus has to be sent for pathological evaluation after hysterectomy. There are clinical manifestations, such as heavy menstrual bleeding or centralized pelvic pain, as well as imaging findings on MRI or ultrasound that can give a clinical diagnosis. However, definitive diagnosis is made after a hysterectomy.

What Are The Possible Treatments For Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis isn’t necessarily harmful. However, the symptoms can negatively affect your lifestyle. Some people have excessive bleeding and pelvic pain that may prevent them from enjoying normal activities such as sexual intercourse. Treatments to reduce adenomyosis pain include:

  • anti-inflammatory medications
  • hormonal treatments
  • ultrasound-guided trigger point injections
  • endometrial ablation
  • uterine artery embolization
  • MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS)
  • hysterectomy

Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine always recommends beginning with a more holistic and conservative approach to treating pain. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and pelvic pain can be triggered by adenomyosis and these patients may benefit from our Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine’s approach.​

Are There Preventative Steps Or Measures To Avoid Adenomyosis?

There is little evidence regarding preventative measures to avoid adenomyosis. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using hormonal contraceptives may be associated with a decrease in symptoms from adenomyosis.

What Are The Risks If Adenomyosis Is Left Untreated?

Complications such as heavy bleeding can lead to anemia and if severe, may require a blood transfusion. Persistent pelvic pain or painful periods can disrupt and negatively affect one’s quality of life.

Are There Other Related Conditions To Adenomyosis?

“Pure adenomyosis” is often rare, given that adenomyosis is essentially endometriosis of the uterus. Pelvic endometriosis often times will co-exist with uterine adenomyosis and contribute to pelvic pain. There have been studies that women with adenomyosis may be at a higher risk of developing certain cancers, particularly endometrial and thyroid cancers. More research is needed to fully investigate this relationship.

Meet Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine

At Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, we treat whole human beings, not symptoms. In the body, everything is connected; and the pelvic region is the vital center of the body’s connected functioning. Our physicians take an innovative approach, combining traditional medicine with holistic modalities and rehabilitative medicine.... Learn More »