
Are You Suffering From Pain With Sitting?


We can help identify and treat issues related to prolonged sitting

If you suffer from chronic pelvic pain or discomfort, take a look at your daily lifestyle. Many individuals who have jobs that involve prolonged sitting – such as at a desk in an office – can have pain with sitting from their back, pelvis, and neck. This pain can grow worse without treatment, causing limited mobility, further discomfort, and even disability. Often, this can be resolved from a change in habits but may require the intervention of a professional for chronic or severe situations.


Is sitting causing you pain? Here’s what you need to know:


Some Signs That Sitting Could Be Causing Your Pain Include:

  • Sharp pain in your back or neck after rigorous activity or exertion.
  • Spasms in the lower back and pelvis area when attempting to stand straight and tall.
  • Chronic pelvic pain or stiffness in your core, back, spine, tailbone, hip, and neck.
  • Aching pain in lower or middle back after sitting or standing.
  • Radiating pain from lower back to your feet.

chronic pelvic pain with sitting

If untreated, these symptoms can weaken your core, which can interfere with flexibility and range of motion later, creating poor balance and an increased risk of falling.


Poor Posture

Chronic pain and posture are a ‘chicken-or-the-egg’ scenario; does pain cause poor posture, or does posture cause the discomfort and pain? Maintaining proper posture is integral to preventing pelvic and middle back pain and keeping your spine flexible and strong. Make your surroundings ergonomically friendly with supportive pillows or cushions, hands-free electronics, computer adjustments and clever office configurations.


Typical Treatments

When your pain is severe, you may want to discuss trigger point injections with your doctor. These may involve a series of treatments to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain but will likely require additional injections periodically. For long-term relief, pelvic floor physical therapy could provide manipulations and exercises that help with pelvic back pain, strengthen your core and resolve the condition over time. Your therapist may also provide an exercise maintenance regimen or program for you to pursue independently at home.


Dr Allyson Shrikhande with male patient talking about pain with sitting

Body Mass Matters

It may seem overstated, but weight and exercise do play a role in managing chronic pain. The truth is, maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy weight can prevent symptoms from manifesting and reduce the severity of discomfort from sitting. Extra weight puts added pressure on your hips and pelvis; daily regimens to stretch and strength train are also part of a routine that can prevent chronic pelvic pain and back issues. When exercising, know that form and consistency are key; work with your physical therapist or trainer to assess if you are doing the exercises properly and keep at it vigilantly.

Is sitting a pain for you? If you believe that sitting is creating an issue with your pelvis, back or neck, evaluate your daily habits and lifestyle. Make an appointment with a pelvic specialist for assessment and treatment options when pain is chronic or severe. Don’t underestimate the importance of seeking medical attention for sitting pain; be proactive and do something to alleviate your discomfort today.

Meet Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine

At Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, we treat whole human beings, not symptoms. In the body, everything is connected; and the pelvic region is the vital center of the body’s connected functioning. Our physicians take an innovative approach, combining traditional medicine with holistic modalities and rehabilitative medicine.... Learn More »