
How does chronic prostatitis and pelvic pain overlap?

Allyson Shrikhande Ultrasound Male Patient with Pelvic Pain and Prostatitis

Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or chronic abacterial prostatitis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in the prostate and the lower urinary tract in men. The prostate gland is located right below the bladder in men. It produces fluid that helps transport sperm.

In chronic abacterial prostatitis the condition is ongoing and not due to a bacterial infection. Often times patients are seen by their urologists and worked up for an infection, but despite treatment, they continue to have stomach and pelvic pain.

Many causes of chronic abacterial prostatitis include nerve irritation, chemical irritation, stress and often a weak and spastic pelvic floor. When the muscles are in constant spasm the pain has little chance of improving as the ureter travels through the pelvic floor muscles.

Some symptoms patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis present with are:

  • Urinary urgency painful urination
  • burning upon urination, urinary frequency
  • difficulty starting urination, weak urinary stream
  • frequent need to urinate at night
  • low back pain
  • painful ejaculation
  • pain in the perineum ( the area between anus and scrotum)
  • pain in the testicles
  • pain in the penis
  • pain in the groin

We at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine work hand in hand with the best urologists and urogynecologists in the tri-state area to evaluate and work up our patients for the cause of their chronic pelvic pain. Once our imaging and any testing that is required is complete, we can make a treatment plan with all the members of our team, including the pelvic floor physical therapist, urologist, and any other providers.

Relevant Publications/Citations

Shrikhande A, Ahmed T, Shrikhande G, Hill C. A Novel, Non-Opiod Based Treatment Approach to Men with Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (UCPPS) Using Ultrasound Guided Nerve Hydrodissection and Pelvic Floor Musculature Trigger Point Injections. The International Continence Society. 2018 Aug. Link to Article.

Allyson Augusta Shrikhande, MD. Interviewee on Pelvic Health Summit – CPPS. Pelvic Health Summit. 2018 May. Link to Interview.

Allyson Shrikhande, MD sits as the chair of the Medical Education Committee for the International Pelvic Pain Society. Link to Medical Committee.