Male Pelvic Health What Is Chronic Prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Males?

Up to 10% of men suffer from persistent pelvic pain. Dr. Christian Reutter explains chronic pelvic pain syndrome and treatment.

Posted on June 29 2023
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Pelvic Floor Dysfunction | Tayyaba Ahmed, DO Male Pelvic Pain Video

Male Pelvic Pain: Types, Conditions, and Causes for Men at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine located in New York City. Male Pelvic Pain Video Transcription We always laugh when people ask us if we are women’s health, because when we first started we thought we would only have women patients, but the men just showed up. I […]

Posted on August 16 2018
News / Media | Male Pelvic Health | Allyson Shrikhande, MD Treatment Approach for Men with Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain

Allyson Shrikhande, MD, founder of Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, has submitted an abstract for the International Continence Society’s Annual Meeting. The International Continence Society (ICS) has over 3,000 members and is a thriving society of Urologists, Uro-gynaecologists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Basic Scientists and Researchers with a focus on continence and pelvic floor disorders. We are growing every day […]

Posted on July 2 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Pain with Bowel Movement | Allyson Shrikhande, MD Pain with Bowel Movement Video

Pain with Bowel Movement Video Transcription Pain with bowel movement can happen when you have underlying pelvic floor hypertonia or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. It can also happen when you have irritation of your pudendal nerves which often come with pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. A risk factor for having a pain with bowel movements is […]

Posted on May 10 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Pain with Sitting Pain with Sitting Video

Pain with Sitting Video Transcription Pain with sitting presents to us with pain in the sit bone area, and the rectum, and sometimes out to the buttocks, when patients sit down, particularly on hard surfaces. Quite often, patients who have pain with sitting have a high-stress lifestyle, high-stress job, and sometimes they’re holding their tension […]

Posted on May 3 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Prostatitis | Prostate Pain Prostate Pain (Prostatitis) Video

Prostate Pain (Prostatitis) Video Transcription The subset of prostatitis that we would treat is abacterial or non-bacterial prostatitis. Meaning, there was tenderness on the prostate in exam, however, the workup was negative for any prior infection. So the symptoms that we would see here in patients with abacterial prostatitis would often be testicular pain or […]

Posted on April 26 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Coccydynia | Tailbone Pain Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia) Video

Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia) Video Transcription Coccydynia is pain in your coccyx or tailbone area. Coccydynia or tailbone pain is felt directly in the coccyx area. It is typically worse with sitting, particularly on hard surfaces. Potential causes of coccydynia would be pregnancy and particularly vaginal delivery, certain athletic activities such as horseback riding or bike […]

Posted on April 12 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Rectal Pain | Levator Ani Syndrome Rectal Pain (Levator Ani Syndrome) Video

Rectal Pain (Levator Ani Syndrome) Video Transcription Rectal pain is also known as Levator Ani Syndrome. What it is is spontaneous episodic pains in the rectum that are secondary to spasms in the pelvic floor musculature. These pains are said to last at least 20 minutes at a time, and as they do progress they […]

Posted on April 5 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Painful Erection | Painful Ejaculation | Prostatitis Painful Erection / Painful Ejaculation Video

Painful Erection / Painful Ejaculation Video Transcription Male patients can experience pain during erection or ejaculation or pain post erection or ejaculation. Painful erection and painful ejaculation quite often comes from inflammation around the nerves that are involved in the process. There are multiple reasons they could be inflamed. Sometimes there is scar tissue around […]

Posted on March 29 2018
Male Pelvic Health | Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health | Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Video

Audio: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Video Transcription Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is dysfunction in the muscles of the pelvic floor. It can be something called hypotonic, where the muscles are extremely lax. And there is something called hypertonic. Pelvic floor hypertonia is where the muscles are short, spastic, and weaker, and essentially there’s […]

Posted on March 1 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health Pelvic Floor Nerve Hydrodissection Video

Audio: Pelvic Floor Nerve Hydrodissection [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.97″] Pelvic Floor Nerve Hydrodissection Video Transcription Peripheral hydrodissection nerve blocks under ultrasound guidance are a simple day procedure that is not surgery. Patients go back to work the same day. In the nervous system, you have the central nervous system which is the spinal cord and the brain, […]

Posted on February 22 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health | Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Chronic Pelvic Pain Video

Audio: Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Video Transcription Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome can originate for the male, it can originate from the prostate, in the testicles, from the epididymis. For the female, it can originate from the ovaries, or the uterus, or the vagina. It can originate from the intestines, or the […]

Posted on February 15 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health Painful Bladder Syndrome

Audio: Painful Bladder Syndrome Painful Bladder Syndrome Video Transcription Interstitial cystitis is also called chronic bladder pain syndrome, because essentially you’re constantly having pain in the bladder. It’s very common in people with endometriosis, and in fibromyalgia. And it can just be something that cripples people, in addition to having chronic pain in the pelvis […]

Posted on February 6 2018
News / Media | Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health Pelvic Health Rehabilitation Center

Video: Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center Learn about the leading Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center treating men and women with an array of pelvic health concerns. Dr. Allyson Shrikhande explains the new treatments they are designing and what to expect as a patient at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine. Pelvic Health Rehabilitation Center Video Transcript: Pelvic rehabilitation […]

Posted on February 5 2018
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Hip Pain | Female Pelvic Health | Pirformis Syndrome Pain in the Butt: What You Need to Know About Piriformis Syndrome

Chronic pain can throw your entire life into upheaval: Injuries incur hardship and cost money and time. Furthermore, pain cuts into your normal routine and lifestyle, often making activities, work and family time difficult and uncomfortable. Sometimes you can injure or pull a muscle, such as the piriformis muscle, which is located near your buttocks, […]

Posted on January 15 2018
Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that most often affects one limb usually after a trauma. CRPS is characterized by prolonged or excessive pain and changes in skin color, temperature, and/or swelling in the affected area. CRPS is believed to be caused by malfunction of […]

Posted on November 8 2017
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health | Female Pelvic Health Pelvic Pain Doctor: How They are Different

How is a Pelvic Pain Doctor Different From Other Specialists? If you’ve experienced pelvic pain before, you understand how debilitating it can be. It’s especially common in women, but can also occur in men. Pelvic pain can be acute (lasting for a short period of time) or chronic (lasting six months and more). Learning how […]

Posted on October 5 2017
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health Chronic Prostatitis and Pelvic Pain Syndrome

How does chronic prostatitis and pelvic pain overlap? Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or chronic abacterial prostatitis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in the prostate and the lower urinary tract in men. The prostate gland is located right below the bladder in men. It produces fluid that helps transport sperm. In chronic abacterial prostatitis […]

Posted on June 14 2017
Pelvic Health | Male Pelvic Health Erectile Dysfunction Pelvic Floor Muscles

Can Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Be Contributing To Erectile Dysfunction Pain? Erectile dysfunction is defined by the National Institute of Health as the “inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance”. It may affect 10% of healthy men and an increasing number of men with co-morbidities such as high blood pressure, […]

Posted on June 1 2017