
Dr. Rachael Haverland for iCareBetter

PRM’s Endometriosis Excision Specialist, Dr. Rachael Haverland, recently wrote for iCareBetter, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the hereditary implications involved with endometriosis.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a systemic, inflammatory disease that can cause extreme pain within the pelvis.

Pain can be caused by a few factors, including:

1. Endometriosis can directly invade nerves
2. Endometriosis can cause pelvic floor spasms
3. The presence of endometriosis can stimulate the inflammatory cascade which can lead to peripheral nerve neurogenic inflammation and pain, as well as contribute to the process of central sensitization.

If you believe you are experiencing the symptoms of endometriosis, take our quiz and book a free consultation to speak with one of our pelvic pain specialists about your symptoms and history.