
Everything Works Together

Sometimes the healthcare system treats patients as if their bodies are little more than a collection of unrelated parts that just happen to be next to each other. You go to a urologist for your urinary tract, a gastroenterologist for your digestive tract, an ophthalmologist for your eyes, and on and on.

At Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, we look at things differently. We consider the patient as a whole person, and we focus on the pelvic region because it’s the central core of your body. The pelvis is one of the primary regions in your body that helps your muscles, nerves, organs, ligaments and bones work together as a unified organism.

The latest insights into human health tell us the body wants to heal; to be a healthy, harmonious whole. So, in our view, isolating any single aspect of a patient means fighting against the body’s own best intentions.

In chronic pain states, the nervous system is on constant overdrive, this increases the firing rate of nerves and creates an environment where a patient has a heightened sense of awareness of all senses, Pain being one of them.  Essentially, a chronic pain state is a system where a patient’s nervous system is stuck on “high” and our goal is to turn down the knob which controls the nervous system.  We do this by breaking the neuro-myofascial feedback loop.

In applying this concept to pelvic pain, we have created a protocol based on the principals of creating space in the pelvis which were first developed by B.K.S Iyanger the creator of Iyanger yoga.  We are looking to maximize the capacity of the pelvis in a sagittal plane, and open up the pelvis equally on both sides decreasing tension and improving blood flow.

Goal of our Program-

  • retrain the central and peripheral nervous system to fire more appropriately/Calm Both the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
  • Decrease Tension and Improve Blood Flow in the Muscles
  • Follow with a neuromuscular re-education and strengthening program

Ultrasound Guided Treatments to Restore Function:

Our approach also takes seriously the idea that the body is only one aspect of who we are. We are also our emotions, our minds and thoughts, our social environment, our stresses, our joys – and so much more. Every part of who we are becomes part of how healthy we are, or aren’t.

The interconnectedness of the body helps explain why pain is such a complex thing. And that’s why, when we are managing pain, we consider so many different factors. Each patient’s perception of pain is unique. The way each individual regulates stress is personal. Nutrition, diet, exercise – it all differs from one person to the next, and it all plays a vital role in each patient’s quality of life and individual road to better health.

As we say, “Everything works together.”